It is time to start thinking about baby number two and you want to know what you will need to have on hand.Here is a quick guide on how to inventory what you already have for baby.
The big stuff:
Chances are you kept the crib , changing table , high chair , ect. If not add them to your must have list. IF you USED them and know you need them. Chances are some big items you had to have for baby number one sat unused or under used. Sell these and buy things you couldn't live without!
The clothes:
- Sort them by size if you didn't pack them away according to sizes.
- Sort by gender or gender neutral.
-How many never even fit before they outgrew them? Be honest!
- Assume the new baby will not be the same sex and see what you need that you do not have in gender neutral.Tip if you are planning a 3rd , 4th , 5th go ahead and buy gender neutral.Chances are a grandparent , aunt or BBF will go nuts buying pink or blue. 😉
The Diapers:
Cloth or Disposible? Either way you need a nice stockpile of diapers. Start before baby arrives.
Bath and Skin Care:
Do you have enough towels and washrags? Those baby ones are cute ,but ones already in the linen closet work just as well.
Baby bathwash, lotion, diaper cream
Do you have enough sheet , blankets , etc? You probably do even if they are the wrong color.Hopefully you have a few gender neutral ones to get you started.
Chances are you have them coming out of your ears! Trading these in can get you the items you need for baby.
Remember , They grow so fast and you don't need to spend $10,000 on items for a year.They won't remember. Save that money for when they are teens and need a car , the prom , or college!
Babies are fine with the basics.They need love , food , clean diapers , and basic clothing for the weather. Everything else is more for you than them! They won't care when they are 20 if you paid $5,000 getting that nursery done.They will remeber how you loved them and maybe that car at 16. LoL.
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